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Introduction to Arc Welding

This class covers basic safety and equipment set-up procedures for the arc welding process. You will weld in the flat position and learn how to weld butt, t-fillet, and lap joints. This class is for people with little or no arc welding experience.

Learner Outcomes

At the end of this course the student will be able to:

  • Describe how arc welding is used to weld metals
  • Display proper welding safety procedures
  • Discuss proper set-up, use and care of arc welding equipment
  • Weld in the flat position
  • Weld butt joints
  • Weld t-fillets
  • Weld lap joints

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Introduction to Gas Welding

This course explains how oxyacetylene gas welding equipment is used to weld ferrous metals. Safety procedures, equipment, and techniques will be described. Topics to be covered include welding in the flat position, welding of butt, t-fillet, and lap joints. You will be expected to purchase or bring your own equipment to class. This class is for persons who have had some or no formal training in the use of gas welding equipment. All Intro to Gas Welding tuition cost include a shop fee. Course Competencies: At the end of this course the student will be able to: • Describe how oxyacetylene gas welding is used to weld ferrous metals • Display proper welding safety procedures • Discuss proper set-up, use and care of gas welding equipment • Weld in the flat position • Weld butt joints • Welt t-fillets • Weld lap joints

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Introduction to Metallic Inert Gas (MIG) Welding

You will weld carbon steel plates in the flat and horizontal positions on various joint designs. All Intro to MIG Welding tuition cost include a shop fee.


Recommended preparation: Completion of Introduction to Arc Welding

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Introduction to Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding

You will weld aluminum plates in the flat and horizontal positions. All Intro to TIG Welding tuition cost include a shop fee.


Recommended preparation: Completion of Introduction to Arc Welding

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Arc Welding 2

Safety and equipment setup procedures will be covered. You will be welding in the horizontal position on fillet and groove weld joints.


This class is for students who have completed Introduction to Arc Welding or by instructor approval prior to registration.

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Arc Welding 3

Safety and equipment setup will be covered. You will be welding in the vertical position on fillet and groove weld joints.


This class is for students who completed Arc Welding 2 or by instructor approval prior to registration.

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

Arc Welding 4

Safety and equipment setup will be covered. You will be welding in the overhead position on fillet and groove weld joints.


This class is for students who completed Arc Welding 3 or by instructor approval prior to registration.

Please contact our registration office at 808-845-9296 or email for assistance.

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